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Radiant Tebex
Giftcard Addon
Creating Giftcard Packages

Creating Giftcard Packages

First, click here (opens in a new tab) to open the Tebex panel and create a giftcard category.

Once you've created a gift card category, you can add the various gift card options you want to sell in the store by creating packages. Here are a few things to note:

Set Package Deliverable Type to Giftcard

To make a new gift card package deliver a gift card by email to the customer, click the giftcard option at the bottom of the package creation screen.

Screenshot #1

Amount of Options

This addon works best if 5 gift card options are created. The values used in the demo are 15,15, 25, 50,50, 100, and $250. For each value, create a new gift card package.

Free Credit

It's recommended that the two most expensive gift cards you sell give users a few extra dollars for free as an incentive to purchase. For the demo, 100gives100 gives 10 free, and 250gives250 gives 25 free. Refer to the screenshot below for how to create a giftcard that gives extra money for free:

Screenshot #2